Mission in Church works with sustainable projects Nepalese people to bring long-term improvements to this nation. We are involved in projects that fundamentally improve the lives of the ordinary people of Nepal; we aren’t interested in prestigious projects but in the long-term solutions.
We work with the local people in both identifying their needs and also ensuring that they feel a genuine sense of ownership – that it is their project and not something imposed by outsiders. We achieve this by asking them to get actively involved and make a practical contribution towards its completion.
We seek to empower local communities, helping them to help themselves through entrepreneurial projects that provide a long term sustainable income, such as Community Action Treks, fish farms, market gardens, and craft goods made from local materials.
In our Sustainable Projects Nepal planning we recognize that improvements can generate their own problems, for instance reducing child mortality through the installation of a health post will radically increase the population – which will very quickly need educating and then need a source of employment.
We hope to help local communities sustain their way of life and culture, providing another option to the seemingly inevitable drift from the countryside to the city.
Our work Sustainable Projects Nepal is also about sustaining the culture of the mountain people and the plain areas, encouraging their inherent individuality in an increasingly globalised world.