Not all children need to be in an orphanage, but all children need an education. We invite you to sponsor a child in the local community so that they can go to school. The children of today are the future of tomorrow. This brings a sobering realization of the need for education in all countries – including Nepal. Mission in Church aims to support children in their own communities, by paying for their education we can help them stay with their families. Some of these children were formerly on the streets, but have now returned home to receive an education thanks to their sponsor.
Nepal is one of the world’s poorest countries with one in four people living below the poverty line. It is slowly developing, however half the population is still unemployed. In this condition it is very hard for families to send their children to school so they never get the opportunity to receive an education. This makes it very difficult for them to achieve a better life for themselves and break out of the cycle of poverty. Education is vital and enables the children of Nepal to have a solid foundation to chose their path in life, by organizing a child sponsorship program we are able provide this education.
Through working directly with the marginalized children from low income families, Mission in Church are attempting to develop these community children’s lives and futures. Sponsorship provides children with the basic resources to attend the local government school, which include: uniform, stationary, textbooks and small school fee, giving them the priceless opportunity to enter or remain in education, and realize their full potential. Through this we help the families in our communities who need financial support for their children, while also sharing the love of Jesus Christ with them.
Children are most in need of sponsorship are identified in conjunction with the head teachers of schools, village development committees and community representatives. Once identified, we hope to support them.
The sponsorship program fee is: $250 – this pays for education for a year, including textbooks, uniforms, pencils and exercise books. We welcome involve in child sponsorship compassion – Sponsor a child for education in Nepal.
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