Ajay is a sweet young boy who is caring and loving. He is so welcoming to new comers and loves to help the younger children. He is always helping out around the house, whether it’s looking after the other children or going to fetch water from the taps, he is always willing to give a helping hand. He works hard at school and loves to read and write. Ajay Thokr’s father was lost during the Maoist conflict in 2003. His mother died due to an illness. For the past Five years, his have been living at the orphanage. He needs your contribution help, support and Sponsor to provide for his education, food, and shelter!
Name : Ajay
Date Of Birth : 9th June, 2001
Sex : Male
Class : Four (4)
What is your future aim? : Doctor
More detail E-mail us at : info@missioninchurch.org